Being the No. 1 Filipino coffee brand, we take coffee quality very seriously. To ensure our customers are always served top quality coffee, we roast our coffee EVERY WEEK in our Roasting Facility in Metro Manila. The coffee is then delivered straight away to every Figaro Coffee branch. NO long-time warehousing, NO importing roasted coffee, NO using broken or old green beans. Every batch of coffee goes through strict Quality Assurance to ensure customers are served the highest quality coffee each and every time.

Watch the Video to check out our Roasting Facility

To cater to the different taste preferences, Figaro offers a wide selection of flavoured coffees. We recommend you try them all to encounter the unique delight each has to offer.

Our beans are roasted and packed just before they reach our shelves:

  • Colombia Supremo is a coffee-grading term in Colombia which refers to the highest grade Colombian coffee as well as the large size of this type of coffee bean. It is medium-bodied, sweet, with a rich flavor and aroma. Perfect for your everyday cup as well as special occasions, you can never go wrong with this specialty single origin coffee

  • Home Reserve - Smooth and Refined, you can take at all day.

  • Barako Blend - In this enthralling blend, the exquisite charm of Arabica tempers the full, almost alcoholic, winey kick of the Barako. Drink in both flavor and aroma of this blend, it delivers an experience unlike any other.
  • Espresso Blend our version of the perfect Espresso is one that is bold and smooth yet also having a lingering and sweet after-taste without any of the bitter pungent flavor you get from old, stale and over-roasted coffee. Perfect as a straight espresso or mixed with steamed milk for tasty lattes or cappuccinos, this Espresso Blend is like no other.

  • Ethiopia Guji Shakiso is the birthplace of coffee and this particular coffee comes from the Southern Guji zone of Shakiso. This coffee has been receiving a huge amount of attention in the international coffee industry for good reason, mainly due to its distinct tea-like flavor notes which have hints of syrupy marmalade, peach and watermelon. In addition, Guji Shakiso is bright and smooth with upscale mouthfeel. The perfect word to describe this coffee is balance. Excellent for pour-over, french press or even espresso, this specialty single origin is a Must-Try.

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